
Hello I'm Medicineman and my mission is to bring quality marijuana medicine to everyone who needs it! I know from personal experiencing that buying marijuana is not always the easiest thing to do so I am here to make it easy! My sidekick Medicineboy and I have been shipping out marijuana products since 2012 and our website has been running since 2013. You can find many positive reviews for our service online.

Thank you for all of the nice letters. I am very happy to be able to offer this amazing plant medicine to you all. Feel free to write to me with any questions or comments.

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Medicineman donates over 10% of all income from this site to charities and groups such as NORML, MAPS, ACLU and others!

There are many copycat sites out there, but only ONE Medicineman's Online Dispensary! Here are some web sites that we found that have blatantly ripped off entire parts of the text of our site. If they are dishonest enough to steal our text they might rip you off too:
And unfortunately many more...

There are plenty of scammers out there. We get letters all the time from people who have lost their money at the hands of these thieves. We've been in business for over 10 years now. You can see our original site from September 2013 here and we operated via PDF catalog before that. We've managed to stay in business this long because we care about our customers and have built a loyal customer base. They know that MEDICINEMAN ALWAYS HAS QUALITY PRODUCT AND ALWAYS DELIVERS! So don't be fooled by imitators. Give us a shot and let us prove that we're the best!

Please use care with these powerful substances!
Loud & Co
Capped Points - Amethyst MDMA
MDMA is one of the most popular recreational psychoactives. It is known for its empathogenic, euphoric, and stimulant effects, and has also been used in psychotherapy. It usually takes about 30-60 minutes to fully kick in, peaks for about 2-3 hours, and then takes about 6 hours to come back to baseline. MDMA gives the user a sense of euphoria, heightened pleasure, and sensations. It is great for going out, to raves, or at home. This MDMA is from the Netherlands, is pure, and the purple color denotes the chemist who made it.
5 Caps (1/2 Gram) ($105.00)
10 Caps (1 Gram) ($190.00)
20 Caps (2 Grams) ($345.00)
50 Caps (5 Grams) ($700.00)

DMT Disposable Vape Pen
DMT is a powerful, visual psychedelic which produces short-acting effects when smoked. A small amount gives a wierd feeling in the body and some perceptual change. A larger amount gives strong body feelings and heavy visual effects, somewhat similar to LSD, but much more based around geometry, and changes of shape perception. A very large dose is totally awesome, and people's responses differ, from catatonia, to screaming, to total ecstasy. Some people describe it as a religious experience. Many people find they completely leave our universe for the duration, which is generally up to 5 minutes, with residual effects up to half an hour. These pens are rechargeable with a C cable cord and there is no button to press as it activates with use.
1 Gram Vape Cart ($240.00)

Ketamine is a dissociative psychedelic used medically in both human and veterinary medicine. It blocks nerve paths without significantly depressing respiratory and circulatory functions. In pure form it is a crystalline solid. Ketamine can produce wide-ranging effects from different dosages. Some people enjoy lower doses in more social contexts such as dancing while others prefer stronger psychedelic experiences while lying down. There seems to be a crucial line where the dissociative effects assert themselves and a person loses grasp of his or her primary senses. A further line exists where the user completely loses consciousness. Boosting (taking one or more additional doses after the initial dose) is quite common, especially with insufflated ketamine, with some people choosing to use low doses at frequent intervals. Tolerance is appreciable, with some users reporting that several weeks are required between uses to again achieve full effects from a given dose. For most people, effects are linear with dose, and positive experiences can be achieved from low doses. A solid insufflated dose is around 0.5-1.0 mg/lb (1.1 - 2.2mg/kg). A lower, more social nasal dose that still produces distinct effects would be around 0.25 mg/lb (0.55mg/kg), with low doses producing shorter and milder effects. One technique users employ is to consume one "bump" of powdered ketamine up each nostril every few minutes until desired effects are reached. Some users report that smaller amounts taken in this way work better than snorting a large line all at once. Presumably the reason for this relates to better absorption in the nose when taken over time, whereas when it is consumed all at once some of it is lost down the back of the throat via post-nasal drip. Compared to many other commonly snorted recreational drugs, ketamine is relatively comfortable in the nasal region; however, many people dislike the taste if/when it begins to drip down the back of their throats. Nasal doses require 5-10 minutes to take effect. The coming-up period as effects kick in is fast but generally not considered too frightening. Typically, higher-dose users experience semi-consciousness for about 30-45 minutes when insufflated. They may feel light, lanky, and/or queasy for several hours, and may be somewhat dizzy, though not incapacitated the following day.
1/2 gram ($75.00)
1 gram ($120.00)
1/8 oz ($300.00)
1/4 oz ($480.00)
1/2 oz ($760.00)
1 oz ($1400.00)

MDMA - Amethyst
MDMA is one of the most popular recreational psychoactives. It is known for its empathogenic, euphoric, and stimulant effects, and has also been used in psychotherapy. It usually takes about 30-60 minutes to fully kick in, peaks for about 2-3 hours, and then takes about 6 hours to come back to baseline. MDMA gives the user a sense of euphoria, heightened pleasure, and sensations. It is great for going out, to raves, or at home. This MDMA is from the Netherlands, is pure, and the purple color denotes the chemist who made it.
1/2 gram ($90.00)
1 gram ($160.00)
2 grams ($300.00)
5 grams ($660.00)

Merlin's Magical Meds
AHMA Love Drops
This liquid elixer is infused with MDA (Sass) The love experience is a positive emotional and mental state often felt from the deepest interpersonal affection, to the simplest pleasures. This enhanced herbal elixir has been created to bless lives in the liquid form of health, kindess and gratitude. Each bottle has a formula of herbs, minerals, and a heart enhancer called Sass, for with proper usage and hydration will help open the heart and bring more color to the mind. As with any psychedelic, please be mindful of set, setting and intention. The "downer" experience one usually has after taking MDA/MDMA is minimized. There are at least 10 doses per bottle. Take two droppers for a lighter experience (or if you are a small person) or three for a full on experience.
1 Vial ($222.00)

DMT, or dimethyl triptamine is called “The Spirit Molecule” by Dr. Rick Strassman in his book by the same title. It is one of the most powerful halucinogenics available and is one that is actually produced endogenously as well. During birth and death we naturally have huge amounts of the molecule produced naturally within our brains within the pineal gland. Intense spiritual and visual experiences can be had without detrimntal after effects.
Some people liken consciousness to a radio dial and that by ingensting DMT you are able to shift the frequency and reach other realms.
Most people will smoke approximately 0.1g of the substance by either freebasing or loading on top of an herb such as rose petals, damiana or even tobacco. Better to melt it than torch it. It can taste a bit plasticy, but know its a solid mimosa plant extract.
It's recommended to have a trip sitter and a quiet space where you won't be interrupted for your 5-30 minute journey. Relaxing spa music is great and a darkened room. You are recommended to take a huge rip and hold it in as long as possible.
Some people will start the journey right there with the exhale and the trip sitter might need to help you set the pipe down. Other people might take 2-3 hits before reaching the threshold.
It can be quite startling to have the visions happen so quick and intense, even scary. Its recommended to just keep breathing and let the experience pass through. Some people will call upon their higher power and angels before hand so that only the most high can enter therein. Lovely and loving beings can appear, aliens or machine elves, or union with God, so be ready for an intense experience.
May be combines with MAOIs to lengthen and enhance experience but do your reseach as they are CONTRAINDICATED with a number of pHarmaceuticals. DMT by itself. More information can be found here:
You are responsible for your usage so do it wisely.
1/2 Gram ($100.00)
1 Gram ($180.00)
2 Grams ($330.00)
5 Grams ($700.00)

DMT Vape Cart
DMT vapes are finally here!!! I'm thrilled to be offering this high quality natural extract of mimosa tree root bark. A full ml of the finest with this awesome packaging was made by someone with high integrity and vibes. Use with any standard 510 thread battery which you can add on or get at the local smoke shop.
This is on of the most potent psychedelics available!!! You can have full visual hallunations and be connect with the spirit of the plants, advanced species and purportedly find your connection with the Most High.
As you will yourself be most high, please only consume in a place you are safe, can lay down and won't be disturbed. Also recommended is a trip sitter, someone who is there for your ride but not journeying themselves. Or even better you are taking turns. This medicine benefits a lot with creating sacred space, so get your candles, call your angels and hold on for the ride.
Strength: 60% , 2-4 hits should blast off, hold them in as long as possible.
Timing: 15 minutes full ride, another 5 min afterglow.
Enjoy, be safe and please let us know if you encounter the machine elves or others in the forums.
1 Gram Vape Cart ($240.00)

LSD - Blotter Paper
LSD is short for lysergic acid diethylamide-25, or acid. Discovered by Dr. Albert Hofmann in 1938, LSD is one of the most potent mind-altering chemicals known. Its effects are highly variable and begin within one hour and generally last 8-12 hours, gradually tapering off. Thankfully, there is zero physical addiction potential. It is a psychomemetic, or a molecule that expands on whats on the mind already, so it's recommended for people in solid mental health states, as it can increase whatever state you're starting from. Generally there is no hangover and a mild euphoria for days afterwards. The standard dose is one square, which is 100 micrograms, or 0.000001g. Don't worry, it's already measured for you, and you can cut it into quarters for a micro-dose. Tolerance builds quickly as you might need double if going the next day at a festival. However a few days off and you should be good to go again.

This particular type is a mellow energy, so great going internal, for a leisurely nature exploration, or even going out when you don't want to get too energized but still enjoy the vibes. You may see psychedelic colors and patterns, experience mildly elevated energy levels and be able to think about things in new and profound ways.

Some use it ceremonially like may have been done in the Elusinean mysteries of ancient Greece to discover more about themselves and the universe.

Silicon Valley tech execs and startup-preneurs have been micro-dosing to boost concentration, creativity and innovation in the work place. What might you innovate in your life? Cut a tenth to a quarter dose and see where it leads you.

As with any psychedelic, please be mindful of set, setting and intention.

*NOTE - We ARE NOT responsible for tolerance issues.

**DANGER NOTICE** - Extremely high doses have landed people at psych wards, or be made to feel generally uncomfortable and any dose can trigger latent schizophrenia. If it runs in your family, psychedelics are not recommended in general.
5 Tabs ($50.00)
10 Tabs ($90.00)
20 Tabs ($160.00)
50 tabs ($360.00)

MDMA - Clear
Our most pure MDMA available. People either hate it or love or as the effects tend to be a bit different than what you’d expect. A tendency when it’s so pure is that it’s so clean that the body doesn’t feel it as strong. Definitely a slightly more mellow feeling high, which can creep and have you realize you’re lit AF at any moment. Very clean and spiritual vibes.

Experience the pinnacle of euphoria with Amethyst MDMA, meticulously crafted for unparalleled bliss. Each dose delivers a smooth onset and long-lasting effects, igniting feelings of empathy and connection. Perfect for socializing or intimate moments, Enjoy responsibly, savoring the moment and celebrating life's joys with each dose.The experience takes up to 30 minutes for onset, with the standard dose being 80mg to 120mg. The experience is typically 5-6 hours with some people choosing to re-up with small amounts as the come down happens. As the experience completes, may people find 5-HTP neurotransmitter from the health food store or Amazon to help mitigate any hangover which many experience as low energy for 1-3 days afterwards. Counter-indicated for people taking MAOIs. For more info, check this FAQ:

*Please note: Product color differences does not reflect quality difference.
1/2 gram ($90.00)
1 gram ($160.00)
2 grams ($300.00)
5 grams ($660.00)

Orange Gel LSD
Orange gel with gold fleck. A typical gel texture with a square shape, these were made in the White Fluff lineage. It's usually an uplifting, social and fun ride, not usually too dark and psychological. Reports include lots of happiness and joy and laughter.
5 Tabs ($50.00)
10 Tabs ($90.00)
20 Tabs ($160.00)
50 tabs ($360.00)

Sacred Deer Balm
Utilize the power of plant medicines to make your aches and pains melt away. If you like Bengay or Tiger Balm, this little bottle backs 5x the punch with the healing powers of arnica, calendula, lemon, menthol, camphor eucalyptus and lavendar. Not only does this work for aches and pains, but also works to open and clear the chest and sinus like VapoRub..

Additionally there is the powerhouse PEYOTE which is the desert cactus listed. It was harvested and the handcrafted by indigenous elders with permission. Traditionally, peyote was often used as analgesic, treating things including toothaches, skin disease, pain, rheumatism, asthma, and even cold symptoms. This balm is not for internal use. It has no psychoactive effects. It is a healing balm.
1 Jar ($25.00)