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Hello I'm Medicineman and my mission is to bring quality marijuana medicine to everyone who needs it! I know from personal experience that buying marijuana is not always the easiest thing to do so I am here to make it easy! My sidekick Medicineboy and I have been shipping out marijuana products since 2012 and our website has been running since 2013. You can find many positive reviews for our service online.
Thank you for all of the nice letters. I am very happy to be able to offer this amazing plant medicine to you all. Feel free to write to me with any questions or comments.

Did you know?

Medicineman donates over 10% of all income from this site to charities and groups such as NORML, MAPS, ACLU and others!

There are many copycat sites out there, but only ONE Medicineman's Online Dispensary! Here are some web sites that we found that have blatantly ripped off entire parts of the text of our site. If they are dishonest enough to steal our text they might rip you off too:
And unfortunately many more...

There are plenty of scammers out there. We get letters all the time from people who have lost their money at the hands of these thieves. We've been in business for over eight years now. You can see our original site from September 2013 here and we operated via PDF catalog before that. We've managed to stay in business this long because we care about our customers and have built a loyal customer base. They know that MEDICINEMAN ALWAYS HAS QUALITY PRODUCT AND ALWAYS DELIVERS! So don't be fooled by imitators. Give us a shot and let us prove that we're the best!

Contact Form

Gmail, Yahoo and other top email providers are often blocking our email UNLESS it's a response to an email by you. For this reason if you have a question please write to us directly at medboy at If you have to share any confidential info with us (e.g. your name or address) then use this form but ALSO write to us so we can respond to your email. Thank you.

Before you send us your message have you read the site thoroughly? Most questions are answered on here so please have a little compassion for our poor overburdened mailbox and read the site and the checkboxes below before submitting your question. In particular read the RULES and the FAQ.

Please do not send multiple emails for the same issue. You will be replied to! More emails does not = faster response times.

Please limit your message to 2,000 characters (100 for subject).

Please allow up to 24 hours to get a reply (Also note we are closed on Saturdays). Thanks!

NOTE: The following email providers may block our responses and are not advised for use with correspondance with us: Hotmail, Yahoo!, AOL.

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